Friday, July 23, 2010

Recovery Time after LASIK

One of the most frequent questions asked at Carter Eye Center is how long the recovery period after LASIK lasts. LASIK is an outpatient procedure which only requires local anesthetic in the form of eye drops. The procedure itself only lasts for a number of minutes, shortly after which most patients are able to see with complete clarity. To give your eyes time to heal, however, we recommend that you take at least a day off from work or other strenuous activities.

For most patients, twenty-four hours is sufficient to return to their regular routine. Occasionally, Dr. Carter will recommend additional rest time, depending on your type of work or other activities you regularly perform throughout the day. Often patients may feel groggy or sleepy directly following the procedure, and are encouraged to rest for as long as they feel is necessary.

Many patients remark on their ability to see clearly almost immediately after the procedure, and tell us they are thrilled to be able to see even better than they could with contacts or glasses. Even though your vision may be immediately improved, you should not immediately return to work, especially if you spend a lot of time working on the computer. You should allow your eyes to rest for the amount of time Dr. Carter recommends, without exception.

To learn more about this remarkable procedure, please contact the Carter Eye Center in Dallas, Texas today.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lifestyle Changes after LASIK

Imagine you are standing on the edge of a beautiful lake, that the sun has just come up and is making the pebbles on the beach each a different color. Imagine the trees across the lake sway gently in the breeze and the morning fog is just starting to lift off the surface. Now imagine taking off your glasses and still seeing all this beauty with perfect clarity.

When people talk about life without contacts or eyeglasses, it is common to bring up sports, hobbies, or hassle. But more than just a question of carrying separate glasses for indoors or outdoors, or remembering to bring your contact paraphernalia with you on vacation, LASIK vision correction allows an entire change of lifestyle, and not only simplifies current hobbies and makes new ones possible, but genuinely affects your day-to-day life.

After you have had LASIK, you will never experience the pain and frustration of getting a hair or speck caught between your contact lens and your eye. You will never have to remove your glasses during a movie or at your child’s play to clean a fingerprint off the lens. You will never again feel the confusion of waking up in the middle of the night and having to look for your contacts or glasses before you can go get a drink of water.

At the Carter Eye Center in Dallas, Texas, Dr. Carter has helped thousands of patients see clearly without the aid of contacts or eye glasses. Our LASIK patients enjoy freedom from the daily habits and inconveniences created by vision aids. To share that freedom, please contact Dr. Carter today and finding out how we can help you see the beauty life without needing rose-colored glasses.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Diabetic Retinopathy Questions

What is Diabetic Retinopathy?
The term "retinopathy" refers to damage to the retina which is not caused by inflammation. Diabetic retinopathy is damage to the eyes brought on by diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy develops in up to 80% of individuals who have had diabetes for 10 to 15 years, although it can develop sooner.

How does Diabetic Retinopathy develop?
Diabetic retinopathy is a product of prolonged diabetes, particularly where the diabetes may not have been correctly treated. The retinal tissue will become damaged over time, but produces few symptoms in the early onset. The most common symptoms may include:

  • Double vision
  • Blurred vision
  • Retinal bleeding
  • Lost or diminished peripheral vision
  • Change in vision
  • Sudden or slow vision degeneration

Can Dr. Carter treat Diabetic Retinopathy?
Fortunately, diabetic retinopathy can be diagnosed and treated. As with many other eye disorders, however, the earlier the disorder is diagnosed, the better opportunity for correction and the more options will be available to you. Symptoms which may not be listed above may still be indicators of diabetic retinopathy, and if you have any of the above symptoms you should make an appointment for an examination at the Carter Eye Center in Dallas, Texas immediately.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Questions about Glaucoma

What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a progressive disorder that causes damage to the optic nerve and loss of sight. It is often painful, can progress quickly, and can occur suddenly. It is caused by an increase of pressure within the eye. There are several classifications of glaucoma, but the end result is always vision impairment or loss. It is often described as the silent thief of sight because by the time you see symptoms it may already be too late to prevent vision loss.

Why should I be tested for Glaucoma?
While glaucoma cannot be prevented, it can be detected. Early detection of glaucoma can save your vision if the right steps are taken. However, if glaucoma is allowed to go untreated, the end result can be blindness. Just as your doctor recommends testing periodically for warning signs of other illnesses or diseases, regular testing for glaucoma can help save your vision.

Is there a treatment for Glaucoma?

There are several treatment options available for glaucoma. The sooner glaucoma is detected the more viable options are available to you. Options for treating glaucoma include:

  • Laser surgery
  • Optical drainage or filtering implants
  • Eye drops
  • Medication therapy

Eye drops are the most common first treatment for glaucoma, and often multiple treatments are used together to prevent loss of vision.

To learn more about preventing this dangerous condition, please contact the Carter Eye Center in Dallas, Texas today.