Monday, May 16, 2011

Dallas LASIK Surgery - What Will Happen during the LASIK Procedure?

If you have chosen to proceed with LASIK surgery, you could overcome your nervousness by becoming informed about what to expect from the procedure. When you feel more prepared, you are going to be more relaxed when it is time for your eyesight to be corrected.

Speaking to Your Surgeon Prior to the Procedure

The doctor that you're working with must make an effort to describe the entire procedure.

For an experienced Dallas LASIK eye surgeon, read Carter Eye Center reviews and make an appointment with Dr Harvey Carter.

At your consultation, Dr. Carter can explain to you all about the surgery and what you can expect. Normally, the procedure will last just 15 minutes. The pre-op and post-op visit will make up the longest part of your time at the surgical centre.

If you have a prescription that is greater than the majority of patients, you should be aware that the process could take longer. Your optical surgeon will have to take more time on the LASIK surgery process to be sure that the optimum eyesight is accomplished.

Bringing Someone With You

It's a necessity that you have someone to drive you to and from the procedure, as you will not be able to open your eyes after the surgery is over. Your doctor will supply you with eye shields, as a way to rest your eyes and so that the healing process can begin. With the permission of the surgeon, your guest might be able to view the procedure while it takes place.

How a Sedative May Calm Your Nerves

Certain patients can be very anxious prior to their appointment. Most surgeons can give you a mild sedative that can be taken before the surgical procedure begins. This will ensure that you are relaxed, before and during, the procedure. It may also help you to sleep after the surgery is finished.

Understanding That You Will Be Awake During Surgery

In order for the surgery to be completed correctly, you will not be unconscious. The process is not painful. Special drops will numb your eyes in preparation for the surgery. A member of the LASIK staff will be with you throughout.

After the Surgery

It is not unusual for patients to notice a significant improvement in their vision immediately after surgery. In other cases, the patient will have a gradual improvement in their vision. Before leaving after the procedure, the medical staff will check that you are responding well to the treatment you have been given. You will be prescribed pain medication if you need it. You will also be given eye drops and helpful advice.

Appointments After the Surgery & Medical Recommendations

It is crucial that you make use of your eye shields and that you follow the recovery schedule that was given to you, so that you can achieve the best results possible. You should also make an effort to attend all of your follow-up appointments, as your doctor must verify that your vision is improving.

LASIK eye surgery shouldn’t be stressful if you understand the procedure. If you are unsure of anything, just be sure that you discuss these queries with your doctor before the surgical procedure takes place.