Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Fish Oil Can Decrease Risk Of AMD, Retinopathy

Proper nutrition is a big factor in achieving and maintaining healthy eyes. Among the nutrients that you should consider adding or supplementing in your diet -- fish oil.

Most people don’t eat the recommended two servings of fish a week to get the very important Omega-3 fatty acids they contain. If you are one of these people, consider using a fish oil supplement.

Studies have shown a link between Omega-3 fatty acids and the prevention of age-related macular degeneration, caused by an abormal growth of blood vessels in the eyes. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2008 showed one portion of Omega-3 fatty acid-rich fish per week could reduced the risk of AMD by more than 50 percent.

Fish oil also has been shown to reduce the risk of developing retinopathy, caused by an overgrowth of leaky blood vessels, and to reduce symptoms of dry eyes and improve overall eye health.

Although consuming sufficiently nutrient-rich foods can contribute to eye health and lower risk of eye disease, the most important thing you can do for your continued vision and eye health is get regular comprehensive eye exams with your Dallas optical specialist. Call today to schedule your next visit to Carter Eye Center.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dallas Laser Eye Surgery: The Process

Most people will experience mixed feelings on the day of their Dallas LASIK surgery, and this is completely natural. Patients are likely to be anxious about the actual procedure and what it entails and also excited about the improvement they will notice in their vision.

Knowing what to expect during your visit will enable you to prepare yourself mentally and as a result, this will relieve feelings of anxiety. By minimizing stress and arming yourself with knowledge, you will have a positive surgical experience.

Preparing For the Surgery

Before The Procedure: On the morning of your surgery, eat a good breakfast as normal and don’t worry too much if you didn’t sleep well the night before. You will be advised to have plenty of sleep after the surgery to rest your eyes and to allow you to recuperate.

When to Arrive: Allow plenty of time to get to your appointment and aim to arrive around 30 minutes before your scheduled time. This will ensure that any delays you experience en route to Carter Eye Center will not delay your appointment time.

Who to Bring: You will be unable to drive home from your eye surgery and because of this you should bring a family member or close friend to take you home. Your chosen person will also be able to offer you support before your surgery and may also stay with you throughout the procedure.

When You Arrive: On arrival, you will be greeted by the LASIK technician that will be conducting the surgery. You will be offered a mild sedative that will help to keep you relaxed throughout the process. This sedative can also help you to nap afterwards, which is important for your eye recovery.

The Surgical Process: The procedure is relatively painless and is completed in very little time. The whole process should be complete in just two hours and trained LASIK staff will be with you throughout.

After the Procedure
  • Many Patients notice a significant improvement in vision almost immediately.
  • You will be given clear, protective eye shields to cover your eyes until the next morning, or one shield if you are having LASIK on just one eye.
  • Your chosen friend or family member will take you home and you will be advised to rest and sleep.
  • Most patients will wake with little or no discomfort in their eyes.
The Next Day: Most patients are able to drive themselves to an initial post-op exam without the need for their glasses or contact lenses due the significant improvement in their vision.

Now that you know what to expect before, during and after the surgery, you will hopefully feel less anxious about the procedure. It is also helpful to remind yourself of the benefits of LASIK eye surgery which include a vast improvement in sight and a future without the need for glasses or contact lenses.

If you’re ready to schedule your Dallas LASIK consultation, contact Carter Eye Center today and start the process of getting better, glasses-free vision!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Just What Selections Are Available For Glasses?

Choosing new glasses should always be an exciting experience; with brand new frames and a brand new prescription, you can have more confidence regarding your looks and you will be able to see more clearly. The process could possibly be a bit overwhelming, however, when it comes to deliberating on the numerous updated choices at present for your choosing for eye glasses.

A knowledgeable Dallas Optical service provider is there to help you decide which varieties will be suitable for your vision and lifestyle, but it will help to be acquainted about the sort of choices you can purchase.

Selecting the Best Eyeglass Lenses

Once you've discovered the perfect frame for your glasses, the next phase is getting lenses. There are a huge selection of lens sorts for your choosing at a Dallas optical center, such as:

1. Polycarbonate Lenses,
2. Polarized Lenses,
3. Photochromic/Transition Lenses, and
4. Hi-Index Lenses

When deliberating on what kind of lens you will desire to have, it is beneficial to think about your every day activities. Are you outside a large percentage of of the time or indoors at the desk? Do you participate in sports or participate in additional physical activities very often? Alternative things to mull over may include the strength and the weakness of your prescription.

Here is a compact lowdown of the sort of lenses accessible.

Polycarbonate Lenses: The lens features a sort of plastic that is invented to become light and impact-resistant, a fantastic assembly for the really active variety of person.

Polarized Lenses: If you are an out-of-doors fan, this lens helps reduce glare and allow for high contrast vision, and 100 % UV protection. Polarized lenses are classicallyselected for sun shades, but they can also be selected for inside use for people who are sensitive to brightness.

Photochromic/Transition Lenses: If your day is commonly split between indoor and outdoor time, this may be the lens for you. Transition prescription lenses automatically dim when exposed to outdoor UV light, in addition to defending your eyes from the sun. One issue is that these lenses won't get as dark if you're in a car, mainly because the windshield blocks a lot of the sun's UV light from contacting the prescription lenses and initiating the darkening effect.

Hi-Index Lenses: For individuals with especially bad vision who up to now were stuck with thick, heavy lenses, this is a great lens to look into. Hi-Index lenses are tailored with a specialized plastic that reflects light differently; with this lens, seeing ability can be corrected with less material, therefore less substantial lenses even for stronger prescriptions. The supplies for these sorts of lenses are inclined to be more pricey, but produce more comfortable, fashionable eyeglasses.

Features For Lens Coatings

While you are weighing which lens is right for you, additionally consider some extras at hand to add to the lenses. Diverse coatings provide unique results. A Dallas Optical center is likely to have several options. Here are a few of the selections that may be on hand:

Anti-Reflective Coating: The option can help reduce the internal and external reflections in your lenses. This ingredient can improve contract and visual perception all the while keeping down glare during the day and at night.

Hydrophobic Coating: If you often are in messy, wet conditions, this coating can be of great help. A hydrophobic coating assists in maintaining lenses cleaner in those instances and provides a water-resistant surface on the lenses.

There are plenty of solutions for your eye glasses at a Dallas Optical Center, and the amount of options is climbing as technology improves. To get assistance in deciding on which features are correct for your eye wear and vision specifications, check out the experts at Carter Eye Center.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Advantages To Buying Eyeglasses In a Dallas Optical Center Versus Online

It’s never been easier to shop from the comfort of your own home. You can do it on a laptop, an iPad or a smartphone. You can buy everything from clothes to power tools to office supplies at the click of a button.

But not everything should be purchased online - especially prescription eyewear. There are several disadvantages to turning to the web for such an important purchase, which can drastically affect your day-to-day life, and many reasons why visiting a Dallas Optical center is a better option.

Getting The Right Frames

Appearance might not be the most important factor in purchasing new eyewear, but it certainly is a factor. When shopping for frames online, you can never be certain that what you see is what you get. Perhaps the color isn’t quite the same. Or the level of craftsmanship isn’t what was promised.

Without trying on a wide selection of frames, there is no way to truly gauge how a certain frame might look or the quality of construction. Just like in an optical center, the frames found online might look great on a model, but turn out not to be right for you. In a Dallas Optical center, if the frame doesn’t fit, you simply move on to one that does. If you’ve ordered your prescription eyewear online, this isn’t an option.

Getting The Right Fit
Most prescription eyeglass wearers will agree comfort is important. When ordering frames online, comfort isn’t guaranteed.

A pair of untried frames might turn out to squeeze your head or be too loose and slide down your nose. Maybe they have corners that scratch or nosepads that pinch.

None of these are issues can be addressed before purchasing new glasses online. If the glasses you try in a Dallas Optical center don’t fit right, you can choose different frames. Once your glasses are finished, the Optician will contact you to come in, and will check to make sure your glasses fit properly. This is not the case with ordering online.

Getting The Best Vision
Achieving optimal vision doesn’t just mean having the correct prescription when ordering glasses.

An experienced optician can tell you whether the frame you’ve selected is right for your vision and lifestyle. They can assist you in selecting the correct lens type for your eyewear needs.

They also have the training to take certain measurements in order to ensure your prescription eyeglasses are made to give you the best vision possible. An accurate pupillary distance -- or PD - is vital. It tells the eyeglasses lab how to place the lenses in your frames so the optical center, the part of the lens that gives you the truest vision, is optimized for you. While the measurement can be done at home, accurate results are tricky and require practice.

Savings Versus Unexpected Costs
Shopping online might produce great deals compared to visiting a Dallas Optical center, but are the savings real?

If the frames don’t fit or the PD isn’t accurate, the costs increase. You add the cost of shipping when sending them back, as well as the time it takes to pack them up and drive to a Post Office.

Also, cheaper eyewear can translate to cheaper quality. The inexpensive frames might turn out to be of low-quality materials and be more likely to need replacing. Likewise, cheap lenses might be low grade and provide poorer vision.

If you’re buying new eyeglasses, visit the experienced opticians at Carter Eye Center. Carter Optical’s experts can help you pick the right frames and lenses for optimum comfort and superior vision.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

6 Tips For Eye Health

At Carter Eye Center, we know that vision is a valuable asset. We want you to be able to enjoy a beautiful sunset, watch your child’s soccer game and see your grandchildren graduate college with clarity and ease.

Vision problems aren’t necessarily something that just comes with age. It’s important to take care of your eyes and start doing so before problems occur. As with many other aspects of your health, preventative measures are the best protection against future medical issues.

Here are 6 tips to keep your eyes healthy and strong.

1) Get annual comprehensive eye exams. Even if you have 20/20 vision, getting yearly Dallas eye exams is vital to maintaining that perfect vision. A qualified eye doctor will be able to detect signs of eye disease even before you know there’s a problem, and if you already have an eye condition, they can help monitor and treat accordingly. If you have an existing condition, your doctor may want to see you more often to monitor it.

2) Wear sunglasses! They aren’t just a fashion accessory, they are an important tool for protecting your eyes from harsh UV light.

3) Add eye-friendly foods to your diet. Studies have shown certain foods, particularly vegetables like leafy greans (spinache, kale, etc.), as well as omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil, can protect against and in some cases improve macular degeneration. These foods are good for your overall health, too, so find some great recipes and enjoy the taste of improving eye health!

4) Know your history. Learning about your family’s eye problems and telling your doctor about any conditions that family members have experienced can help determine your risk factors for experiencing those conditions.

5) Watch your weight and exercise. Being overweight is a big risk factor for Type 2 diabetese -- which can lead to diabetic retinopathy, the leading cause of blindness in those younger than 65. Studies also link obesity to an increased likelihood of developing cataracts. On the other hand, studies show links between exercise, such as a brisk 30-40 minute walk four or more times a week, and the reduction of intraocular pressure for glaucoma sufferers. Starting the habit of exercise now can help prevent problems in the future.

6) Learn the 20-20-20 rule. In this age of computers, many of us have jobs that involve staring at a computer screen for long hours. This can be harsh on your eyesight, but there are steps you can take to alleviate issues. The 20-20-20 rule means look 20 feet ahead every 20 minutes for at least 20 seconds. This simple step allows your eyes to periodically recharge.

Following these steps can give you a tremendous advantage over future eye problems, as well as improving your overall health and happiness. For more ways to improve your vision and stave off eye disease, make an appointment with Dr Harvey Carter today.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

LASIK Questions -- What to Ask Your LASIK Eye Surgeon BEFORE You Have LASIK

Before you move forward with Dallas LASIK eye surgery, you should obtain pertinent details on both the surgeon and the process. Since an important part of your body will be in someone else's care, you need to feel completely comfortable with their abilities. Many surgeons have fancy titles and abbreviations after their name; however, you need to verify that they have the proper experience and qualifications to perform LASIK surgery.

How Many Laser Eye Surgeries Have You Performed?

Using a surgeon who has extensive experience is the best choice. A reputable doctor should not hesitate in providing you with information on the number of surgeries they have performed in the past. It is recommended that you use a surgeon who has completed no less than 500 procedures, excluding mechanical surgeries, such as RK, ALK and AK.

How Long Have You Been Performing Laser Eye Surgery?

Another important question you should raise is how many years the surgeon has been conducting LASIK eye surgery. While a doctor may have met the minimum surgery threshold, you should be aware of the timeframe in which they were performed. The surgeon should have completed the procedures over a reasonable amount of time, such as 3 years.

Do You Use the Latest LASIK Technology?

Technology is continually evolving. It is important that the medical professional you select employs the latest tools and techniques. Giving you the best outcome possible should be their main focus. You can ask your doctor if they will be using an IntraLASE Femtosecond Laser (IFS). It is an All-Laser process that is safer, more precise and more predictable. You should always confirm that the equipment is approved by the FDA.

What Percentage of Refractive Candidates Do You Decline?

A reputable doctor should have declined refractive candidates at some point in their career. You want to work with a surgeon who focuses on safety and the utmost care of the patient. Not everyone can be a perfect candidate. Proper screening procedures can reveal that refractive surgery may not be the right answer.

What Can I Expect My Vision To Be Like In the Weeks Following The Surgery?

You should be informed of all possible side effects that may follow your LASIK eye surgery. The doctor has the duty to tell you that you may experience minor fluctuations, minor starbursting, minor halos and other side effects that are normally resolved within the 6-month healing period. While you may have 20/20 vision right after the surgery, your doctor should not guarantee those types of results.

Can You Give Me Testimonials From Your LASIK Patients?

Satisfied patients are more than willing to provide their doctor with a positive testimonial or review of their experience. A trustworthy surgeon should be able to furnish you with honest and genuine testimonials. Many doctors maintain them on their company website.

A surgeon who uses the best equipment and has the right experience and training is the ideal choice for LASIK eye surgery. Working with a qualified medical professional like Dallas LASIK eye surgeon Dr Harvey Carter allows you to have a positive experience.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cataract Surgery Can Lower IOP

One of the major risk factors for glaucoma is elevated intraocular pressure, or IOP, and lowering IOP is one of the main goals in glaucoma treatments.

In patients who have cataracts as well as glaucoma, it has been believed by doctors that cataract surgery could lower their IOP in open-angle glaucoma (the most common type) slightly and temporarily. That belief, however, is changing, according to The Glaucoma Foundation.

According to recent research, patients with mild to moderate glaucoma and ocular hypertension who undergo Dallas cataract surgery experience a greater and longer-term IOP reduction.

Cataract surgery today typically uses a technique in which a small incision is made in the peripheral cornea, and an ultrasonic probe inserted into the opening breaks the cataract into smaller pieces to be removed. A clear intraocular lens is then implanted.

While it’s not know exactly why the correlation between IOP reduction and moder cataract procedures is occurring, it may be related to the drainage system being cleaned and thus flowing better. Recent studies indicate that the IOP can stay reduced for 1 to 2 years after cataract surgery for patients whose pressure was well-controlled with limited medications before the operation.

If you’re suffering from or believe you may have cataracts or glaucoma, contact Dr Harvey Carter at Carter Eye Center and schedule an appointment today.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

LASIK - Long Term Effects

LASIK offers patients a permanent solution to nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. It is associated with several benefits that make the procedure a worthwhile investment. Below are a few of the advantages and long-term effects that patients can enjoy with Dallas LASIK eye surgery.

Better Vision

Contact lenses and glasses cannot offer the precise and enhanced vision that laser surgery can. Most patients are able to obtain near perfect or perfect vision in a matter of hours. The entire process is virtually painless and quick, for the ultimate in convenience. The results can last a patient's entire lifetime, making it an advantageous alternative to traditional corrective measures. It is an invaluable procedure that makes life easier.

Better Savings

The long-term endurance of LASIK surgery allows a patient to take advantage of a cost-effective solution to their vision problems. Without the cost of glass frames, lenses, cleaning products, cleaning cloths, glass cases, contact lenses, contact solution and annual eye doctor visits, a patient can save money. When those costs are added up over a patient's lifetime, they surpass the outlay of a surgical procedure. Moving forward with laser surgery is the ideal choice.

Better Appearance

Without the need for glasses, a patient has the ability to improve their overall appearance by eliminating heavy, awkward fitting instruments that get scratched, dirty and are prone to loss or damage. By avoiding contact lenses, a patient can eliminate the feeling of dirty lenses in their eye, constant dryness, irritation, red eyes and discomfort. Eye surgery also allows a patient regain the time that was once used to clean and maintain eyeglasses and contact lenses.

Better Health

While contact lenses may be a better alternative to glasses, it can result in infections. Even with the most careful cleaning practices, they can become dirty and contain dangerous bacteria that lead to disease, severe pain and a major inconvenience. Laser surgery allows you to eliminate these risk factors permanently.

Better Quality of Life

LASIK allows patients to engage in strenuous activities or occupations that may have been risky with contact or glasses. Having an improved quality of life infuses renewed self-confidence and can lead to better opportunities. With superior vision that includes the peripheral dimension that eyeglasses lack, a patient can lead a better life.

Millions of patients have undergone the procedure due to its low risk and high rewards. In very few cases, patients may experience side effects such as glares and dry eye that can often be corrected through an additional surgery or special eye drops. The LASIK industry reports that less than 1% of patients experience complications with their surgery, making it a safe alternative to traditional vision correction methods.

Laser surgery is quickly becoming the most preferred method of treating common eye conditions. Only fully eligible patients are able to undergo the procedure. Dallas LASIK eye surgeon Dr Harvey Carter can determine if you are an eligible candidate for this surgery. Various tests are performed to thoroughly examine the eye and to establish that the procedure is suitable for your vision problem.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Is LASIK Good For Athletes?

Of all the people who could benefit from LASIK surgery, athletes are at the top of the list. Despite misconceptions that this vision correction procedure can be dangerous for athletes or leave them out of their chosen sport or activity for a long time, the truth is the exact opposite.

LASIK Safety & Recovery Time

It’s true that there is some risk associated with any surgery you might have, but LASIK has been proven a very safe procedure. For athletes, having a vision correction procedure can actually improve their safety during game time.

For example, if football players require glasses or contacts to see, there is a risk that during the game a hard tackle or penalty could cause the lenses to shatter into their eyes. There is another danger, too, although not a physical one. What if a player gets dust in their eye while wearing contacts? What if a contact lens gets too dry and folds up at a key moment, rendering a receiver unable to spot the football spiralling down the field?

Even if none of those things happen, the fact is with contacts and glasses, your visual acuity and hand-eye coordination will not be as exact as it could be.

And if you think having LASIK surgery will mean you sit out for the season or will be unable to be active for months, then think again. The recovery time for this life-changing procedure is very fast, typically a few days at most.

Professional Athletes Keeping Eyes On The Ball

Whether you’re a pro basketball player, a high school track champion or somewhere in between, LASIK surgery can improve your vision and physical performance.

Carter Eye Center has treated more than 30 current and former Dallas Cowboys superstars and coaches.

As an experienced ophthalmologist and LASIK surgeon, Dr Harvey Carter is proud to be the official LASIK provider for the Dallas Cowboys. If you want to start seeing your best on and off the field, contact Carter Eye Center today to schedule an appointment.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How To Select Eyeglasses That Match Your Personality and Daily Activities

The eyeglass frame an individual may sport show many things about the wearer's personality. Much like the clothing we dress in, eyeglasses are an individual statement we make about who we are and our interests. The frames you pick out might suggest you are business oriented, are imaginitive, or are athletic. Because there are so many sides to a person's life, you could pick several pairs of eyeglasses for various activities or events. There are lots of models of eyeglasses to pick from.

What Do You Need These Eyeglasses For?

After you have a Dallas eye exam, optometrists advise that the initial step in selecting the best eyeglasses for you is to ask yourself this, "How Will You Use Your Eyeglasses?" Ponder the various events you attend, what kinds of activities you usually participate in, and what your job is. Mull over your eyeglasses as you think about a pair of shoes. Your shoes disclose plenty about your nature, they are comfy, and each set of shoes is used for distinctive events.

There are numerous different points about glasses to consider for every individual and way of life. When deciding on glasses, you ought to take into account:

  • The shape of the frames and lenses
  • The color of the frames
  • Frame material
  • The size of the frames and lenses

Eyeglass Frames for Diverse Fashions

Oval and rectangular styles are good for anyone who needs their eyeglass frames for a professional work look. Try to avoid strangely designed frames and lenses and stick with typical styles. The tint of the frames can finalize the business fashion. Consider picking eyeglasses that are silver or gold.

Thicker designs with novel designs and odd hues indicate originality. Artists, writers, and a lot of students are often inspired to choose eyeglass frames that aren't in the typical look.

Cat-eye, upswept rectangles, and elliptical selections of glasses are good for active moms and dads and senior citizens who don’t necessarily go for contemporary styles, but still want to have a chic look. Burgundy, rich reds and browns, and shiny hues increase the fashionable style.

If you would like expert assistance picking the eyeglass frames that are ideal for your character and lifestyle, please get in touch with Carter Eye Center today to make an appointment. We assist people all around the Dallas, Texas region select the ideal eyeglasses for their daily lives.

Monday, August 15, 2011

How Do I Know If I Have Cataracts? Cataract Symptoms & Treatments Explained

When you look at an object, certain processes occur in the eye to allow you to see it clearly. Light enters the eye through the pupil, focuses through the lens and onto the retina. A variety of eye conditions can occur along the way to decrease the clarity of your vision; one of those conditions is a cataract.

What Is A Cataract?

A cataract is the clouding of the normally clear lens. The eye’s lens is made of water and various proteins. With age, the proteins might begin clumping together, creating a cloudy spot on the lens -- a cataract -- which translates into vision problems. If you suspect you might have cataracts, a Dallas cataract surgeon can diagnose the problem and assess its severity.

Age is not the only cause for cataracts; they can also be attributed to family history, eye injury, eye diseases or previous eye surgery, medications such as excessive steroid use, or medical problems such as diabetes.

What Are Cataract Symptoms?

Age-related cataracts will typically develop slowly over time, so the symptoms might not be readily noticed. Some of the symptoms to look for include:
  • Blurred, cloudy or dim vision
  • Light sensitivity; glare in bright light
  • Difficulty seeing at night or in low light
  • Color distortion
  • Seeing halos around lights
  • Frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescriptions
  • Double vision with one eye

What To Do If Symptoms Occur

If you are noticing some symptoms of cataracts, or any vision problems, the best advice is to make an appointment with a qualified eye doctor. Only a thorough exam can determine whether cataracts are present.

An ophthalmologist can conduct a comprehensive, dilated eye exam -- meaning your pupil is widened with eye drops to enable a complete assessment of your eye health.

Once cataracts are diagnosed, the following steps are recommended:
  • Have regular eye exams; yearly if older than 65, every two years if younger
  • Protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses that block UV light
  • Quit smoking, since it is a key risk factor
  • Use brighter lights and even a magnifying glass for reading
  • Limit night driving if halos or glare become problems

How Are Cataracts Treated?

The only proven treatment for cataracts is surgery. While there are several eyedrops and other so-called treatments that are advertised as removing cataracts, none of these has been proved to alleviate the condition. An experienced Dallas cataract surgeon can determine whether your case is advanced enough to require surgery.

Cataract surgery is usually considered as an option when the condition causes vision problems that interfere with daily activities. Since there is no way to remove the cloudiness of the lens, the lens will need to be removed during surgery. The natural lens is replaced with an artificial lens implant, called an intraocular lens (IOL). There are a few types of lens implants available. A Dallas cataract surgeon can advise you on which lens will best suit your needs.

If you are experiencing the symptoms of cataracts or have cataract questions, contact Carter Eye Center and make an appointment with Dr Harvey Carter, an experienced surgeon who uses cutting edge technology to help patients suffering from cataracts.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Glaucoma Therapies as well as Ways to Lower Risks

Glaucoma is an eye problem that could result in damage to the optic disc, a loss of vision and in some cases, blindness. It involves high pressure in the eye that could cause headaches, pain and other symptoms. If you are suffering from any of these problems, call Carter Eye Center and schedule an appointment.

The risk of developing this condition is dependent on, age, race and corneal thickness. Diabetes, injury to the eye and low blood pressure are also noted during the pre-diagnosis stage. This disease may affect one or both eyes. If the patient does not receive adequate treatment, it can more than likely end up causing the patient losing peripheral vision or can even cause them to become blind.

Carter Eye Center reviews each case carefully to determine whether Glaucoma is the problem.


Prompt treatment of this condition is the best way to limit or even eliminate unwanted symptoms, and to promote healthy eye vision. Remembering to have an eye exam can help your doctor to identify symptoms of the disease and give you the best chance of recovery. Medication and injections can help sustain your symptoms and pain and can also slow or even halt the development of the disease.


Eye examinations can be the most obvious way to identify glaucoma in patients. Peripheral vision is measured using the visual field test. A dilated eye exam involves the use of eye drops to widen the pupils, so that a doctor can examine the retina and optic nerve. A test known as the visual acuity test allows doctors to assess a patient's ability to see objects at varying distances. To measure the cornea, numbing eye drops are administered and an ultrasonic wave is used. Finally, pressure in the eye is measured using tonometry.


Prescription eye drops or pills may decrease the amount of pressure in the eye and can also reduce fluid. Medication often has to be taken regularly throughout the day and can cause reactions and side effects in users. In the majority of cases, patients will be required to continue taking the medication indefinitely to control the disease.

Conventional Surgery to Treat the Glaucoma Condition

Conventional surgery is often thought of as a last resort option. It is used to remove a portion of eye tissue that creates a channel for fluid to drain from. In time, this drainage channel may start to become narrow, requiring an additional operation. This treatment may cause issues such as cornea problems, inflammation and infection.

Laser Surgery to Treat the Glaucoma Condition

Glaucoma patients are able to have this surgery on each eye, one at a time. Laser trabeculoplasty helps the draining process by using a laser beam. This stretches the drainage holes to enable enhanced drainage and to reduce the pressure which has built up in the eye.

Lifestyle Changes to Help Treat or Reduce Glaucoma

In order to reduce the chances of contracting this condition, patients should try to maintain a healthy weight in order to reduce the chances of developing diabetes, as diabetics are twice as likely to suffer from glaucoma. It is also advisable to wear eye protection to eliminate the risk of preventable eye injuries.

While LASIK surgery may not be an option for most glaucoma patients, a small proportion with a stable condition can be helped by the procedure. Additionally, there is help available, in the form of custom laser surgery for patients with this eye complaint. Consulting with a professional like Dr Harvey Carter is the best way to determine your candidacy.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dallas LASIK Surgery - What Will Happen during the LASIK Procedure?

If you have chosen to proceed with LASIK surgery, you could overcome your nervousness by becoming informed about what to expect from the procedure. When you feel more prepared, you are going to be more relaxed when it is time for your eyesight to be corrected.

Speaking to Your Surgeon Prior to the Procedure

The doctor that you're working with must make an effort to describe the entire procedure.

For an experienced Dallas LASIK eye surgeon, read Carter Eye Center reviews and make an appointment with Dr Harvey Carter.

At your consultation, Dr. Carter can explain to you all about the surgery and what you can expect. Normally, the procedure will last just 15 minutes. The pre-op and post-op visit will make up the longest part of your time at the surgical centre.

If you have a prescription that is greater than the majority of patients, you should be aware that the process could take longer. Your optical surgeon will have to take more time on the LASIK surgery process to be sure that the optimum eyesight is accomplished.

Bringing Someone With You

It's a necessity that you have someone to drive you to and from the procedure, as you will not be able to open your eyes after the surgery is over. Your doctor will supply you with eye shields, as a way to rest your eyes and so that the healing process can begin. With the permission of the surgeon, your guest might be able to view the procedure while it takes place.

How a Sedative May Calm Your Nerves

Certain patients can be very anxious prior to their appointment. Most surgeons can give you a mild sedative that can be taken before the surgical procedure begins. This will ensure that you are relaxed, before and during, the procedure. It may also help you to sleep after the surgery is finished.

Understanding That You Will Be Awake During Surgery

In order for the surgery to be completed correctly, you will not be unconscious. The process is not painful. Special drops will numb your eyes in preparation for the surgery. A member of the LASIK staff will be with you throughout.

After the Surgery

It is not unusual for patients to notice a significant improvement in their vision immediately after surgery. In other cases, the patient will have a gradual improvement in their vision. Before leaving after the procedure, the medical staff will check that you are responding well to the treatment you have been given. You will be prescribed pain medication if you need it. You will also be given eye drops and helpful advice.

Appointments After the Surgery & Medical Recommendations

It is crucial that you make use of your eye shields and that you follow the recovery schedule that was given to you, so that you can achieve the best results possible. You should also make an effort to attend all of your follow-up appointments, as your doctor must verify that your vision is improving.

LASIK eye surgery shouldn’t be stressful if you understand the procedure. If you are unsure of anything, just be sure that you discuss these queries with your doctor before the surgical procedure takes place.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dallas LASIK Eye Surgery – The Myth of Inexpensive LASIK Surgery

With the current state of the economy, you are most likely being flooded with advertisements that claim to offer inexpensive LASIK eye surgery, some even as cheap as $300 for each eye. However, lots of these deals require you to bear other expenses, which increase your total expense. You must never let your eyesight go to the lowest bidder. When you feel ready to improve your vision, it is advisable to choose a trustworthy Dallas LASIK Surgeon that has proven skills.

The Concealed Costs Linked to Low Cost Eye Surgery

Although you may have set aside a particular amount for LASIK eye surgery, you need to understand all the fees linked to a low cost surgical procedure. Below are some of the most important points to keep in mind when you are reviewing the special offers in your area.

Check that the Amount You need to pay will be Applied to your Vision Prescription

The doctor will assess the current condition of your eyesight by giving you an eye examination. The examination of your eyes will allow your doctor to check if you suffer from Astigmatism, Myopia, Hyperopia or Presbyopia. The cost you are being quoted should always be dependent on your vision prescription.

Confirm that You will not have to Pay for Your Initial Consultation

You should not need to pay upfront fees in order to try to arrange an initial appointment for the low priced surgery they have been offered. A lot of potential patients may actually find out that they are not eligible for the special price because they have a condition like Astigmatism or require additional treatment. If you are asked to pay prior to the consultation, it is best to look for a different surgeon that will give you a free consultation.

Check that the Cost of Follow-Up Appointments are Included in the Total Cost

You should also make sure that the low-cost ad includes all post-surgery appointments. After the surgical procedure is over, the medical professional should examine you at regular intervals to check that there aren’t any problems and that your eyes are in good condition.

The Importance of Asking if Enhancement Procedures, within the First 12 Months are Included in the Total Price

In order to achieve the required vision quality, you may have to undergo an enhancement procedure. To keep your out-of-pocket costs low, you should ensure that the total price that is advertised includes supplementary LASIK eye surgery during a pre-determined period.

Ask about the Surgeon’s Experience

You must always verify the level of a doctor's experience. You must use a reputable and skilled medical professional when you have your vision corrected. Be sure to find out how many procedures the doctor has carried out that are exactly the same as the treatment that you are having.

Understanding the Cost of The procedure

When you total all of the additional concealed charges associated with inexpensive LASIK surgery, it is possible that you may eventually end up having to pay even more than if you had decided on a good doctor. You should understand that a trustworthy health professional may also be an affordable option. A number of eye doctors provide payment plans that may meet your individual needs.

Why Your Surgeon’s Level of Expertise is Important

You only have one set of eyes, which is why the cost should never be the deciding factor. Highly regarded surgeons have the equipment, insurance and finally, the skills to give you the very best results possible. Instead of choosing to pay for what appears to be a cheap choice, it is best to choose a trustworthy surgeon instead.

Call Dr Harvey Carter, an experieced Dallas LASIK Surgeon for a consultation to find out if you are a qualify. View other people's experiences too - Carter Eye Center reviews.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Typical Complaints From People Who Have to Wear Reading Glasses

With the countless complaints that people have about reading glasses, it's not surprising a large number of individuals that wear glasses want surgery to correct their vision. These types of procedures give patients an effective and preferred option to help with problems with vision. Crystalens is a well known solution that helps patients who need reading glasses or those who suffer from cataracts replace their lens with an implant that is permanent, so that they can eliminate the requirement for glasses for both reading and distance.

Typical Damage to the Glasses

Glasses can easily be damaged and due to this, the need special care. Even with the most cautious eyeglass owner, scratches and cracks are still a common issue. The constant stress and worry that accompanies looking after glasses can make it an undesirable venture, making surgery seem like a better method for eye correction.

Maintenance to the Reading Glasses

Other complaints about eyeglasses include the constant maintenance needed. Taking time to adjust nose pads, hinges, temple arms and other parts, becomes irritating. Additionally, users have to find the time to locate the correct tools to fix the problem, as well as obtain parts, which is sometimes a challenge. Time can be reclaimed by the wearer by correcting the eye problem that requires them to wear reading glasses.

The Expense of Having a Pair of Reading Glasses

To obtain new reading glasses, the patient will need to pay for both frames and lenses. The cost of this can amount to a large sum of money. An exam with an eye doctor should take place every two years in order to get the most current prescription. These various costs can add up and often become too costly for people that live on a limited income. Often, eyeglass wearers will defer purchasing new glasses and will wear their current glasses and lenses to evade the cost of these items, which can make their vision and quality of life worse.

The Way the Reading Glasses Fit

Because of expense, a number of people may settle for an inexpensive pair of glasses which can often be unflattering. The majority of styles and colors also do not fit an individual's head perfectly, unless they are custom-made, which may prove to be very expensive. Even if they are a good fit, glasses sometimes adversely affect a wearer's beauty. With corrective surgery, patients can regain their confidence and stop glasses from dictating who they are.

The Eyesight Obtained with the Reading Glasses

A lack of peripheral vision is among many eyeglass complaints, as the wearer cannot view objects or persons in clear detail on each side of their head. If a small set of frames is being used, vision quality is further affected, due to the small surface area of the lenses. Surgery is able to offer patients a full 180-degree field of vision.

The Weight of the Glasses

Glasses tend to be on the heavy side, which may leave an unwanted impression on the skin. When removed, the nose pad area may be slightly inflamed and red. In addition, unwanted marks and lines can also appear where the nose bridge usually sits. These are the unavoidable aspects of wearing glasses that could be detrimental to your appearance and may age you considerably.

Wearing glasses may pose a lot of negatives that detract from the good points of wearing glasses. An appointment with an eye doctor will let you know if you are an eligible candidate to correct your vision through Crystalens or LASIK corrective surgery, for eye conditions such as astigmatism, farsightedness and nearsightedness.

At Carter Eye Center complaints of Reading Glasses can be erased. Call us today to speak about your options or view our Carter Eye Center reviews.

Is it Possible to Have LASIK Surgery at Any Age?

LASIK is a well known surgical treatment that can be used to correct eye problems, for example: astigmatism, nearsightedness and farsightedness. The term stands for Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. The corneas shape is changed which will benefit the patient's eye function and glasses and contact lenses will no longer be needed.

Candidates for LASIK Eye Surgery

The procedure is completed after only a small amount of time and shouldn't cause any pain, however not everyone is a suitable candidate. It is best to set up a consultation to determine your candidacy. If you do not qualify, premium lenses may be the best solution.

LASIK Relating to Young Patients

Due to the reshaping involved, patients that are younger are not good candidates, as their eyes are still growing and adjusting. Patients that are under eighteen are normally advised to delay the procedure, to give the procedure the best possible chance of success. Patients that have this surgery under the age of 18 may require further LASIK surgery in a few years. Many industry constituents consider 21 years of age to be the ideal threshold. The procedure has been approved by the FDA for patients aged 18 years or over.

LASIK Relating to Older Patients

Usually there is no upper age limit for this procedure. Any adult with eyes that are healthy and no conflicting eye problems are able to move forward with the procedure at any age. The main requirement is that the patient should have had a stable prescription for at least two years before commencing the surgery. This means, anyone that wants to see better is able to benefit from this type of corrective procedure -- patients from 18 years old and up take advantage of it.

Surgery Benefits

This type of surgery can offer patients many benefits. Below are a few benefits patients may expect from the surgery.

Save Money

Seeing, without the use of aids such as glasses or contacts helps a patient to be relieved from the added expense and maintenance items like these. Usually, LASIK also removes the the need to make an appointment with an eye doctor yearly in order to obtain prescriptions for contact lenses and glasses. Therefore, patients can can save a lot of money on the cost of purchasing new contact lenses, glass frames, glass lenses, contact solution, glass solution, cleaning cloths, as well as the actual doctor's visit. Another advantage is that without glasses and contacts, you will gain back time which is usually spent cleaning and maintaining them.

Great Vision

Patients can experience almost perfect 20/20 vision. A number of people are even able to surpass those limits. Having the freedom to wake each day and see clearly, without your glasses on, is a valuable experience. Patients quickly discover that they were not seeing everything as it was meant to be.

Enhanced Appearance

With no need for corrective lenses, patients may build self esteem and confidence. Often, glasses make the face look older. When a patient no longer needs glasses, their personality can really shine through and cannot be defined by the glasses they wear.

Because of its clear benefits, LASIK has become one of the most well known ways to help solve problems with vision. With the possibility of better vision and reduced costs, it could be the perfect decision for you.

Make contact with Carter Eye Center to find out if you are a candidate for Dallas LASIK surgery. You could have glasses or contacts free vision soon!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Is it Possible to Get LASIK for Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is an eye complaint that prevents light from converging on a single focal point on the retina . Astigmatism can result in the patient experiencing vision distortion, because the curve in the cornea is abnormal. Instead of being spherical it is oblong. Patients with relatives that have suffered from this condition may be more likely to develop it, however it may also be the result of a trauma to the eye or progressive disease. If left untreated, persistent headaches and eyestrain are likely. People with this condition commonly have farsightedness or nearsightedness as well.

Choosing LASIK

While the disease can be corrected with contact lenses or glasses, a more permanent solution would be a refractive surgery. Through Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis, LASIK, people that suffer from this condition can experience enhanced results that not obtainable with alternative corrective methods. The procedure makes the curve flatter, which ensures the patient a clearer field of vision without the need for corrective lenses.

Easy Procedure

Both eyes may be treated on the same day for your convenience. At only ten minutes per eye, this procedure is not all time consuming and employs the use of numbing eye drops, so no formal sedation is needed. Because of these features, the LASIK procedure involves little to no pain and minimal recovery times. Patients can resume work after only a couple of days. This procedure really is a great choice for people hoping to correct their vision.

Permanent Results

Most patients obtain lifelong 20/20 vision. Even though a small number of patients may require further work in the future, many can expect fantastic results. Adverse Effects after the surgery are minimal and in most cases, solvable. It is an FDA approved procedure that can be used on adults 18 and over.


LASIK surgery gives patients the ability to live life without the inconvenience of glasses and contact lenses. Many people find these items to be both time-consuming and costly. The costs involved in yearly visits to the doctor, cases for glasses, contact solution, glass lenses, frames for glasses, cleaning solution and cloths and replacements mean that LASIK is the better choice.

Enhanced Vision

Corrective surgery differs from wearing glasses as it enables you to have a 180-degree view of everything around you. This corrective surgery presents a more precise opportunity that is cost-effective and long lasting. Most patients will experience near perfect, perfect or superior vision. Another benefit is that you can experience immediate improvement of your vision. Being able to see everything without impairment and without having to put on glasses or contacts is invaluable.

Increased Activity

A disadvantage of wearing glasses and contact lenses, is that wearers often cannot participate in various activities that are too strenuous or hazardous. With help from the LASIK procedure, patients can participate in activities that they could previously not get involved in. Corrective surgery improves your personal and professional life.

Patients suffering from Astigmatism do not have to rely on contact lenses or glasses. Surgery of this typeis becoming one of the most popular solution for a long term problem. This procedure is a good alternative for traditional solutions, because of the large number of benefits involved. If you are interested in the LASIK procedure, speak to your ophthalmologist.

If you suffer from Astigmatism, contact Dr Harvey Carter for a consultation to find out if you are a candidate for Dallas Lasik Eye Surgery.