Friday, February 24, 2012

Do's And Don'ts After LASIK Surgery

Aside from the actual surgery, post-operative care is one of the things that Dallas LASIK surgery patients worry about most. Will I be in pain? Can I drive? When can I go back to work?

Laser eye surgery is one of the most minimally disruptive procedures you can undergo in terms of recovery time. There are some vital after-care instructions you can expect from your ophthalmologist, though. Following your surgeon’s list of do’s and don’ts after LASIK surgery is crucial for your healthy and swift recovery.

If you’re considering laser eye surgery, here are some of the do’s and don’ts that you can expect after your procedure.

Do’s After LASIK Surgery

DO have a friend or family member drive: After your surgery, you’ll need a designated driver to get you home safely.

DO use eye drops as directed: Carter Eye Center directs patients to use the prescribed eye drops every two hours the night surgery is peformed. When doing so, you will be instructed to remove your eye shields, add drops, and immediately replace your eye shields. Don’t worry -- the shields will only need to be worn while sleeping, and only for the first two weeks after surgery.

DO eat or drink what you want: Post-operative LASIK patients are advised to indulge in whatever foods or liquids they want, except for alcoholic beverages. Craving ice cream? Go for it! Feel the need for a cheeseburger and fries? Enjoy!

DO wear safety glasses during sports or high-risk activities: It’s not necessary to live in a bubble after undergoing LASIK surgery, but if you will be engaging in activities that increase your risk of eye injury -- for example, sports or lawn-mowing -- using safety glasses is recommended.

DO feel free to return to work and regular activities: There’s no need to seclude yourself for weeks after LASIK surgery. Normal activities can be resumed the next day.

Don’ts After LASIK Surgery

DON’T worry if you experience discomfort: Some eye discomfort is to be expected after undergoing any medical procedure. To minimize this, keep your eyes closed as much as possible after your surgery, until you wake up the next day. It’s OK to open them for short periods to eat, drink and use eyedrops. Over-the-counter pain relievers are also acceptable to use.

DON’T rub your eyes: For two weeks after surgery, it is very important NOT to rub your eyes.

DON’T get soap or water directly in your eyes: Avoid this for two weeks after your procedure. If soap or water does get into your eyes, put your head down and blink, so that your tears will wash them out. Swimming, hot tubs and water sports should be avoided during these two weeks.

DON’T wear eye makeup: Mascara and eyeliner should not be worn for three days after LASIK surgery. Waterproof eye makeup should not be work for two weeks. Extreme caution should be observed when removing makeup.

DON’T forget post-op appointments: Follow-up care is extremely important after LASIK surgery, so be sure to attend all post-operative appointments and bring your post-op kit with you. Your first appointment after surgery should last about 30-45 minutes.

If you’re ready to start the journey toward glasses-free vision, call Carter Eye Center today and schedule your Dallas LASIK surgery consultation!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Help Raise Awareness Of AMD In February

Prevent Blindness America recognizes February as a month to raise awareness of age-related macular degeneration, also called AMD.

AMD is the leading cause of vision loss in those 65 and older and a vital health issue that many people aren’t aware of. There is currently no cure, but early detection and treatment are crucial to slowing the progression of the disease and lessening its severity.

Risk factors for age-related macular degeneration include being 65 or older, smoking, eating a low-nutrient diet and having a family history of the disease. It is also more common among Caucasians.

Getting regular eye exams is key to catching any eye-related health problems. Call Carter Eye Center to schedule your comprehensive eye exam today!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Is LASIK Surgery Safe?

Most patients who suffer from poor vision dream about a day when they can see clearly without the use of corrective lenses. For many of them, having Dallas LASIK surgery is a great way to realize that dream.

Advancements in laser eye surgery have made it an extremely safe procedure. In fact, with an experienced surgeon, the risk of serious complication is less than 1 percent. As a medical procedure, it still carries a small risk. However, improvements in the field of laser vision correction have advanced dramatically and continue to improve results and decrease risk.

Will My Age Affect The Outcome Of LASIK?

In the past, it was far less common to perform Dallas LASIK surgery on older patients as it was believed age could increase risk of complications. Today, however, studies suggest there is little difference in the success of this procedure for patients whether they are in their 20s or 40s and older. New technologies allow surgeons more options for treating vision problems, no matter the age.

For example, CustomVue Wavefront-guided LASIK, a tool for both diagnosis and guiding the corneal correction, allows for a more exact mapping of each person’s corneal imperfections. This map is used to guide the laser in correction those aberrations, allowing for a more precise correction of a broader range of vision problems.

Increasing Patient Satisfaction With LASIK

They vast majority of LASIK patients find the experience extremely satisfying and the results spectacular. However, a few things have helped increase even more these satisfactory outcomes.

Better screening procedures: Not everyone is an ideal candidate for the surgery. While for many people, it provides superior vision, the quality of results will depend entirely on each individual’s case. Technology advancements have improved both the level of correction for patients who, in the past, may not have been LASIK candidates and the screening process for determining who would benefit from the surgery

Training and experience: Using an experienced, well-qualified surgeon can greatly diminish the chances of complications and dissatisfaction after surgery. Not everyone’s eyes are the same; in fact, hardly anyone’s are. A doctor who is using the most advanced laser technologies like CustomVue can give you better, more individualized results.

Potentials Risks After Surgery

There are a variety of possible complications a LASIK patient might experience. The most often reported complications are glare and sensitivity to light; visual fluctuations; halos or starbursts surrounding light sources; and dry eyes.

Even the most common of these are temporary complications and resolve on their own a few days after the surgery. Decreasing the risk of complications from LASIK eye surgery starts with finding the right doctor. An experienced surgeon will give better results and decrease the risk of complications.

If you’re ready to discover whether you are a candidate for Dallas LASIK eye surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr Harvey Carter today.