Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Fish Oil Can Decrease Risk Of AMD, Retinopathy

Proper nutrition is a big factor in achieving and maintaining healthy eyes. Among the nutrients that you should consider adding or supplementing in your diet -- fish oil.

Most people don’t eat the recommended two servings of fish a week to get the very important Omega-3 fatty acids they contain. If you are one of these people, consider using a fish oil supplement.

Studies have shown a link between Omega-3 fatty acids and the prevention of age-related macular degeneration, caused by an abormal growth of blood vessels in the eyes. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2008 showed one portion of Omega-3 fatty acid-rich fish per week could reduced the risk of AMD by more than 50 percent.

Fish oil also has been shown to reduce the risk of developing retinopathy, caused by an overgrowth of leaky blood vessels, and to reduce symptoms of dry eyes and improve overall eye health.

Although consuming sufficiently nutrient-rich foods can contribute to eye health and lower risk of eye disease, the most important thing you can do for your continued vision and eye health is get regular comprehensive eye exams with your Dallas optical specialist. Call today to schedule your next visit to Carter Eye Center.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dallas Laser Eye Surgery: The Process

Most people will experience mixed feelings on the day of their Dallas LASIK surgery, and this is completely natural. Patients are likely to be anxious about the actual procedure and what it entails and also excited about the improvement they will notice in their vision.

Knowing what to expect during your visit will enable you to prepare yourself mentally and as a result, this will relieve feelings of anxiety. By minimizing stress and arming yourself with knowledge, you will have a positive surgical experience.

Preparing For the Surgery

Before The Procedure: On the morning of your surgery, eat a good breakfast as normal and don’t worry too much if you didn’t sleep well the night before. You will be advised to have plenty of sleep after the surgery to rest your eyes and to allow you to recuperate.

When to Arrive: Allow plenty of time to get to your appointment and aim to arrive around 30 minutes before your scheduled time. This will ensure that any delays you experience en route to Carter Eye Center will not delay your appointment time.

Who to Bring: You will be unable to drive home from your eye surgery and because of this you should bring a family member or close friend to take you home. Your chosen person will also be able to offer you support before your surgery and may also stay with you throughout the procedure.

When You Arrive: On arrival, you will be greeted by the LASIK technician that will be conducting the surgery. You will be offered a mild sedative that will help to keep you relaxed throughout the process. This sedative can also help you to nap afterwards, which is important for your eye recovery.

The Surgical Process: The procedure is relatively painless and is completed in very little time. The whole process should be complete in just two hours and trained LASIK staff will be with you throughout.

After the Procedure
  • Many Patients notice a significant improvement in vision almost immediately.
  • You will be given clear, protective eye shields to cover your eyes until the next morning, or one shield if you are having LASIK on just one eye.
  • Your chosen friend or family member will take you home and you will be advised to rest and sleep.
  • Most patients will wake with little or no discomfort in their eyes.
The Next Day: Most patients are able to drive themselves to an initial post-op exam without the need for their glasses or contact lenses due the significant improvement in their vision.

Now that you know what to expect before, during and after the surgery, you will hopefully feel less anxious about the procedure. It is also helpful to remind yourself of the benefits of LASIK eye surgery which include a vast improvement in sight and a future without the need for glasses or contact lenses.

If you’re ready to schedule your Dallas LASIK consultation, contact Carter Eye Center today and start the process of getting better, glasses-free vision!